
Sunday 31 August 2014

Tongan Language Week 2014


The theme for Tongan language week is: Fakakoloa ‘o Aotearoa ‘aki ‘etau Lea mo e Hiva Faka-tonga which means Enriching Aotearoa with Tongan Language and Music.  

What are you going to do to celebrate Tongan language week? I know that I am going to learn as much Tongan language  as I can from the awesome Tongan students in Room 14! Who is up for the challenge to teach me?!

Tongan language week also got me thinking about the trip that the teachers took to Tonga a few years ago! We were treated to lot's of singing and dancing when we visited schools. Here is a photo collage I made showing a few good memories from the trip. The little girl in the top right corners name was Fa. I helped her to write a story and she was really happy! I hope that she is still doing well with  her learning :) 


  1. Hello
    Miss Haydon you look so different...
    By Dahlee

  2. Hi Miss haydon
    I really love your photo and you really look very different

    By Teili

  3. Hey Ms.H,
    I am up for the challenge. I can teach you to say laptop and different types of colours. When do I teach you? I am so exited to teach somebody. I want to be a teacher when I grow up I want to teach Tongan kids English and Palangi kids Tonga. I can;t eait to teach you. :D


  4. Malo e lelei Room 14,
    I really like the way you did a beautiful collage on the amazing Island of Tonga. I found Tonga really interesting! Thank you for sharing this post with me.

  5. Malo lelei Miss Haydon,
    I really like liked how you went back to when you went to Tonga. As I was reading I realised that you had made a spelling mistake. Its not to bad but maybe change the word are to were. But other then that it is very beautiful.

  6. Hi Miss Haydon
    Did you teach the little people in Tonga English

  7. Malo e lelei Room 14

    It's interesting how your teacher looks very different from now!
    Also nice photos with Miss Millar!


  8. Hi Miss Haydon
    I like your photo and you look very different.


  9. Malo Miss Haydon
    you look so different I didn't know you want to teach this many togan kids it looks cool Im think I should be a teacher like you

  10. Hello miss haydon you look
    so different I like the photos
    you put up. totoatu

  11. Hey Miss Haydon! this looks great! you kind of do look different but I do hope that Fa will do great and I hope that she has lots of friends. :)

  12. HI Miss Haydon!
    I like your photos and you look different in that photos I wish I can be a teacher like you and I can go to tonga.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Malo Miss Haydon

    It was a great week of Tongan Language week it was awesome, but sad it is over :( Hope it can come back again. It was AWESOME THIS WEKK!!!! YEAH!!

  15. Malo Miss Haydon

    Tongan language week was AWESOME!. I think I even learnt a word in Tongan.I agree with Dahlee to hope it can come back again.


  16. mrs haydon is talavou ofa atu
